Photo courtesy of CEU Summer University
Deadlines Extended: Apply for Interdisciplinary Intensive Summer Courses at CEU
Deadline Expired on March 10, 2024
Application deadlines have been extended for some courses at CEU Summer University. The one- and two-week intensive high-level, research- and policy-oriented interdisciplinary courses are offered in Budapest to faculty during from June 24 to July 27, 2024. Some courses are open for registration until Sunday, March 10.Check listings to see course-specific application deadlines.
Summer University invites applications from advanced undergraduates, MA and Ph.D. students, postdoctoral and early-stage researchers, junior faculty, and practitioners to the short, intensive courses taught by internationally renowned scholars and policy experts, and CEU, OSUN and other partner faculty.
The CEU summer school is an integral part of OSUN and aims to serve the thematic and skills-building needs of our colleagues and students and provide an effective framework for building stronger and more active linkages at the peer as well as the institutional level. Faculty, graduate and undergraduate students, and research associates from throughout the network are all encouraged to apply.
“I don't know that the most important outcome of this course was that I 'learned' something. It was more the opportunity to hear, consider, challenge, discuss, and reflect on such a rich variety of approaches to the question of democracy that I found valuable.”
-Course Participant, Dismantling Democracy from Within, 2022
Questions? Write to [email protected]
Check listings to see course-specific application deadlines.
Deadlines for some courses have been extended until Sunday, March 10
Cross Reference: Application,Opportunities,Summer Course