Social Impact Lab: BRAC University’s Engine for Student-Led Civic Engagement
Social Impact Lab's Global Wall of Goodwill project drew attention to mental health issues on the BRACU and AUCA campuses. This and all images courtesy of SIL.
At a recent inaugural ceremony on the BRACU campus, university administrators and high-level tech entrepreneurs praised the groundbreaking endeavor. Sonia Bashir Kabir, BRAC University Trustee and Founder of SBK Tech Ventures and SBK Foundation, said, “I think with initiatives like the SIL, BRAC University is pioneering in civic engagement and impact projects in Bangladesh to the extent that a revolution has started.”
Dave Dowland, BRAC University Registrar, said that the university’s backing also serves to highlight the impacts that student-led social projects have made in Bangladesh. “(SIL) can be a great platform for all the changemakers who started out small…and set an example that can be followed at other campuses in Bangladesh or even across the globe.”
SIL has already executed several innovative events linked to mental health awareness. On October 10th, World Mental Health Day, SIL joined with OSUN Global Engagement Fellows at the AUCA and BRACU campuses to create a “Global Wall of Goodwill,” where students shared their mental health concerns, feelings, and words of support for those who might be facing challenges to their mental welfare. More than 450 students and faculty from both campuses wrote words of affirmation on designated wallspace and had discussions about supporting those in need.

Members of BRACU's Social Impact Lab pose for a photo on their campus. SIL founder Srijan Banik is seated third from left, front row.
SIL has announced an upcoming project called “Letter to a Stranger,” in which individuals experiencing depression, anxiety, or other mental health-related problems can exchange anonymous letters about their feelings, without being stigmatized.
Also during October, SIL helped pilot a demonstration of Inside Global, a software developed by SIL member Farhin Ahmed that provides virtual therapy sessions. With support from an OSUN microgrant, the venture is the product of a collaboration among student software developers, institutes and think tanks from around the world, with assistance from Bangladesh’s Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Over 200 students took part in the highly successful project pilot, leading to an offer to provide exclusive VR therapy services on the BRACU campus.

The Inside Global pilot demonstrated virtual therapy sessions for over 200 BRACU students.
“As SIL moves forward with new ideas, we plan to design projects that can be implemented across different campuses across OSUN,” says Banik. “SIL is an innovation hub to convene student impact entrepreneurs and changemakers so they can design and co-create projects to bring about positive change. So we believe in a global collaboration to amplify that impact. OSUN can play a very important role in creating that global impact.”
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Post Date: 11-28-2022