The OSUN Engaged Research Fund is pleased to announce a spring online training series on Engaged Research being held in conjunction with SOAS. This workshop series, open to faculty and graduate students across OSUN, is an introduction to the basic tools of Training for Transformation and Participatory Methods for Engaged Research. Faculty and graduate students interested in applying to the Engaged Research Fund are invited and encouraged to sign up to participate.The series will happen in two phases:Phase 1 (March 16th - March 22nd) will be open to all faculty and graduate students across OSUN who are interested in learning more about integrating engaged research into their scholarship. Phase 2 (April 27th, April 28th, May 4th) will be open to current applicants of the 2021 Engaged Research Fund’s Engaged Scholar Award (for graduate students) and Engaged Faculty Scholar Award (for faculty members).The online workshop series will cover: Paulo Freire’s methods of adult educationTools for engaging with people to take actions for people with people Concepts of gender and culture and their impact on the lives of youth and other people in communitiesHow to dig deeper into root causes of social, economic and political changesHow to use a creative and participatory methodology in engaged research A full list of workshop titles, dates, and times can be found below. Each workshop session will be recorded to allow for asynchronous participation.Lead FacilitatorsDan Glass is an ACT UP (AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power) healthcare and human rights activist, performer, presenter and writer.Maria Latumahina is an independent consultant with a passion for and focus on the liberation of indigenous Papuans from socioeconomic oppression and environmental injustice.Lyndsay Burtonshaw is a facilitator-activist, working with Quaker Peace and Social Witness, Navigate coop and Beautiful Trouble UK. Co-facilitatorsJo KrishnakumarVidya Venkat is a doctoral researcher in the Department of Anthropology at SOAS, University of London.Lillian KilwakeIbrahim al-BakriMuna NgendaNkole Zuku Workshop Details:Phase 1Session 1 - Tuesday, March 16th, 10 am-1 pm NY — Introduction to Transformative Development and Engaged Research. Facilitated by Lyndsay BurtonshawJoin via ZoomSession 2 - Friday, March 19th, 10 am-1 pm NY— “Diversity, Culture and Transformation - All Injustices are Connected." Exploring economic, social, and political facets of poverty and investigating the ways in which organizations engage with communities, as well as how local authorities respond. Facilitated by Vidya VenkatSession 3 - Monday, March 22nd, 10 am- 1 pm NY– Building a Learning Community. Facilitated by Dan Glass Phase 2 Session 4 - Tuesday, April 27th, 9 am-12 pm NY – Introduction to Engaged Research Methods: Freire’s Listening Survey and Participatory Visualisation. Facilitated by Andrea CornwallSession 5 - Wednesday, April 28th, 9 am-12 pm NY — Freire in Practice: Engaged Research as Transformation. Facilitated by Maria LahumatinaSession 6 - Tuesday, May 4th, 9 am- 12 pm NY — Reflection: Building Consciousness; Engagement as Social Action. Facilitated by Dan Glass
Dan Glass: [email protected] and Caitlin O’Donnell: [email protected]