Global Engagement Fellows Monthly Civic Engagement Workshops
This series of monthly workshops on every last Sunday of each month brings student leaders together from across the Open Society University Network to learn from each other’s experiences, reflect on each other's work, gain insight and training, and work together on gathering material helpful for new project leaders. By bringing the effective work of student leaders to light, this series provides them with the necessary assessments, knowledge, abilities, and skills needed to ensure sustainable projects.We will hold innovative discussions related to project management, recruitment, leadership and sustainability, while strengthening the connection between universities in the network. We will work closely with current student leaders to help them grow their initiatives while assisting new student leaders to lead civic engagement projects. The goal is to offer a step forward for today’s leaders so they can contribute more productively and effectively to their societies.
Find out more about the OSUN Global Engagement Fellows here.
Schedule of workshops and topics for 2024/25:Sunday, August 25 8 am New York | 2 pm Vienna: How to design a civic engagement project
Sunday, September 29 8 am New York | 2 pm Vienna: What is the best way to recruit team members and volunteers?
Sunday, October 27 8 am New York | 1 pm Vienna: How to write a proposal for your project and apply for funding
Sunday, November 24 8 am New York | 2 pm Vienna: How to find useful resources for implementing your project
Sunday, December 29 8 am New York | 2 pm Vienna: Emotional intelligence
Sunday, January 26 8 am New York | 2 pm Vienna: How to set goals for your project and build your team
Sunday, February 23 8 am New York | 2 pm Vienna: Building a healthy organization
Sunday, March 30 8 am New York | 2 pm Vienna: Project sustainability and expansion
Sunday, April 27 8 am New York | 2 pm Vienna: Cultural sensitivity
Sunday, May 25 8 am New York | 2 pm Vienna: How to make a website for your project
Sunday, June 29, 8 am New York l 2 pm Vienna: How to write a project report
Sunday, July 27, 8 am New York | 2 pm Vienna: How to turn your project into a full-time job
Join each session via this Zoom link
Cross Reference: Workshop,Opportunities,Global Fellows, OSUN