Creating Inclusive Learning Environments: Working through Tensions in Learning Communities
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
9:30 am – 11:00 am EDT/GMT-4 Online Event
9:30 AM New York l 4:30 PM Vienna
OSUN's CEU-based Open Learning Initiative, or OLIve, and OSUN’s Working Group on Education for Refugees, IDPs, and Host Community Members present a workshop series for all OSUN educators that examines the practices and pedagogies developed for teaching refugees, asylum seekers, and displaced students, asking how such tools can help educators themselves be better teachers and administrators in general.
Displaced populations in countries of first asylum -- whether in camp or urban settings -- face a number of barriers to achieving a life without conflict, including while pursuing education opportunities. Having escaped war, authoritarianism, climate devastation or other forms of trauma, these challenges – among many others – permeate the learning communities of the 3% of global refugees who manage to gain access to higher education.
This panel will highlight a number of tensions with which refugees grapple in their educational experiences. Through different case studies drawn from host countries, including Bangladesh and Kenya, panelists will present different best practices for navigating such tensions, which can be adapted by faculty to blended, online or f2f classrooms that include displaced learners.
Rebecca Granato (Bard College)
Michael Oyoo (OSUN Hubs for Connected Learning Initiatives)
Shahariar Sadat (BRAC University)
Azizul Hoque (BRAC University)
Tasnuva Ahmad (BRAC University)
Questions? Write to [email protected].