OSUN, Hubs for Connected Learning
Working Group: Refugee and Host Community Education
Thursday, July 22, 9:00 AM New York l 3 pm Vienna l 4 PM NairobiThe Open Society University Network’s Refugee and Host Community Education Working Group, coordinated by the OSUN Hubs for Connected Learning Initiatives, invites interested network members to attend its inaugural meeting on July 22nd at 9:00 AM New York l 3 pm Vienna l 4 PM Nairobi.
The Hubs are deeply involved in globally- and locally-situated conversations about a number of refugee-related topics, including:
*addressing the barriers and challenges refugees face in accessing education and developing research agendas;
*forging education pathways, both complementary and in countries of first asylum;
*developing new academic programs and contextualizing existing programs for undergraduate learners;
*paving avenues for refugees and host community actors to engage in their own research and supporting necessary skill building;
*strengthening capacity refugee-led organizations;
*supporting teachers in low-resource camp-based settings via trainings in student-centered practices, mentoring, and classroom-action research;
*working closely with UN Agencies, global consortia, States, and NGOs to advocate for policy reform related to qualifications recognition and durable solutions (some of this work is taking place via OSUN’s co-chair position on the Global Taskforce for Complementary Education Pathways).
The Hubs have also launched a series of panels and talks, in collaboration with Bard College’s Center for Civic Engagement, and are seeking to expand these network-wide sessions.
The Refugee and Host Community Education Working Group brings together the various OSUN actors engaged in projects, research and teaching related to refugees and displaced people. The broad goals include creating a space where participants can exchange lessons learned, collaborate on existing programming, expand the global conversation about refugees issues, and develop new ideas and solutions to address the many barriers refugees face.
The inaugural Working Group meeting will take place on July 22nd at 9:00 EST/15:00 CET/16:00 Nairobi/19:00 Dhaka.
During the meeting, the group will review the draft goals/objectives and establish key outcomes for the remainder of 2021.
To join the Working Group, please sign up here. If you have questions, please contact [email protected] or [email protected].
Cross Reference: Workshop,Opportunities,OSUN, Hubs for Connected Learning
Deadline Expired on July 22, 2021