OSUN, Hubs for Connected Learning
Hubs for Connected Learning Initiatives Call for Course Proposals 2021/22
The OSUN Hubs for Connected Learning Initiatives offers refugee and host community students in Jordan and Eastern Africa the opportunity to develop the academic skills and introductory knowledge in various disciplines needed to successfully complete BA programs in well-chosen fields of study.Selected students joining the Hubs program will participate in an academic writing seminar in Summer 2021 and then move on to courses in which they study jointly with enrolled students at OSUN institutions towards the completion of one of two certificates: “Community-based Learning and Civic Engagement: Theory and Practice” or “Oral History and Storytelling: Media and Methods.”
OSUN Hubs for Connected Learning Initiatives invites OSUN professors to propose courses that could fulfill modules in certificates for Oral History and Storytelling and Community-based Learning and Civic Engagement for the upcoming academic year.
Course proposals should consist of:
• a 300-400 word course outline indicating title, description and an indication of anticipated texts and assignments (or a current syllabus when available)
• a short biography including any prior work with displaced populations or access to education initiatives
All materials should be sent to:
Kerry Bystrom: [email protected]
Submission Deadline is June 10, 2021
Cross Reference: Proposal,Education, Opportunities,OSUN, Hubs for Connected Learning
Deadline Expired on June 10, 2021