Hannah Arendt Humanities Network
Democracy Innovation Hub 2023 Workshop: Citizens' Assemblies and Beyond
The Hannah Arendt Humanities Network (HAHN) invites students and scholars to apply to its Democracy Innovation Hub 2023 Workshop: Citizens' Assemblies and Beyond, November 10-12 at Barnard College in New York City. HAHN will cover travel, housing, and meals during the workshop.This workshop seeks OSUN scholars focused on civic engagement, participatory processes, and deliberative democracy. Selected scholars will gather together with US-based public servants and civic engagement specialists.
OSUN scholars can join as participants and, depending on their level of expertise, as co-facilitators of workshops, presenting their experiences with deliberative/participatory democracy. Working with key practitioners and city officials who have run deliberative processes, cohorts from various US localities will come to the workshop in order to workshop their ideas.
The goal of the workshop is two-fold:
1) strengthen a network of innovative/deliberative/participatory democracy specialists within OSUN
2) enable a space for participants from various backgrounds to workshop their plans/strategies for increased citizen engagement
Questions? Email Philip Lindsay
Deadline to apply is Friday, August 11
Cross Reference: Application, Workshop,Opportunities,Hannah Arendt Humanities Network
Deadline Expired on August 11, 2023