OSUN-CEU Summer University 2022 Course Proposals Deadline Extended to September 1, 2021
CEU Summer University and Open Society University Network invite proposals for the 2022 Summer University Network (SUN) courses developed and delivered collaboratively by CEU and OSUN partner universities.The OSUN SUN course should be co-directed by a CEU faculty or staff member and a counterpart from an OSUN partner university, have a clear relevance to OSUN’s mission and address the following themes of priority within the broad fields of social sciences, humanities and liberal arts: Democratic Practice; Sustainability and Climate; Inequalities; Human Rights; Global Justice; Arts and Society; Global Public Health.
OSUN Summer University extends the OSUN mission of promoting collaborative research, teaching and learning, and social engagement on themes of relevance to the open society agenda by offering high-level, research-oriented, interdisciplinary and innovative academic courses and workshops on methodology and policy issues for academic and professional development across a wide range of disciplines in the social sciences and the humanities.
The short, intensive interdisciplinary courses, taught by teams of distinguished international academics attract advanced undergraduate and graduate students, junior and mid-career university faculty, researchers and administrators, field professionals and civil society activists. Each course offers an intensive and immersive experience in active debate and peer learning, augmented with self-study prior to the course, individual and team project work, and in-class presentations.
OSUN Summer University is a great opportunity to work as a team on developing and piloting new curricula, bringing together the students, scholars, practitioners and community advocates in an intensive collaborative learning experience, as well as extend planning of the ongoing OSUN projects and discuss new project ideas. SUN courses, as a rule, support residential or hybrid study and we hope to be able to welcome the 2022 SUN cohort in person on CEU’s Budapest campus.
OSUN provides funding for SUN courses, covering the costs of development and delivery of the courses, tuition waivers, stipends and travel support for the OSUN affiliates.
As SUN is a CEU initiative, ideally, SUN courses should have course co-directors and/or teaching contributors from among CEU faculty and staff, although course proposals initiated by OSUN partners outside CEU are also welcome.
Please review the SUN portal, the Call for Proposals, the Application Guidelines and the OSUN-specific priorities for proposal submissions for further information.
Please do not hesitate to be in touch with the SUN Executive Director Eva Gedeon for advice on applications and course formats.
The new deadline for course proposals is September 1, 2021
Cross Reference: Proposal,Opportunities,OSUN
Deadline Expired on September 1, 2021