OSUN, Hubs for Connected Learning
Call for Participation: Refugee Higher Education Access Curriculum Development
The OSUN Hubs for Connected Learning Initiatives is launching a new bridge program called “Refugee Higher Education Access Program” (RhEAP). The 15- to 18-month program prepares refugee and host community learners in Kenya and Jordan to be successful students in BA programs both locally and internationally.RhEAP offers courses spread over five modules:
● Preparatory Classes
○ English language
○ Be a Successful Online Learner (BSOL)
○ Be a Successful Online Learner (BSOL)
● Introduction to Humanities and Social Sciences
○ (Modified) First-Year Seminar (Great Books & Academic Writing)
○ (Modified) Global History Lab
○ (Modified) Global History Lab
● Introduction to Natural Sciences/STEM
○ (Contextualized) Citizen Science
○ Quantitative Reasoning
○ Quantitative Reasoning
● Transition Courses
○ Students participate with enrolled OSUN BA students in OSUN Hubs cluster classes in “Oral History or Storytelling” and “Civil Engagement and Community-based learning”
● Application Preparation and Test-taking
OSUN professors are invited to join a curriculum development team that will be adapting and contextualizing existing partner courses for these modules, with the hope that these professors will subsequently teach within this structure.
Specific needs include the creation of a modified first-year seminar course with a strong English language academic writing component as well as the adaptation of the Global History Lab course for more introductory refugee and host community learners in Kenya and Jordan.
Participants on the planning team must commit to:
● Attending 3-4 online workshop-style meetings between June and August 2021
● Reviewing overall curriculum and developing overall learning objectives and assessment measures
● Collaboratively developing or revising in small groups one syllabus for a designated portion of the program
Professors who complete all the requirements will receive a stipend of $750 with separate compensation for teaching in the program during AY 2021-2022.
Please indicate interest by writing a short note including your home institution roles, relevant experience in the field of refugee education and any specific areas of focus in the RhEAP program to:
Rebecca Granato
[email protected]
Deadline to apply: June 5, 2021
Cross Reference: Course,Opportunities,OSUN, Hubs for Connected Learning
Deadline Expired on June 5, 2021