Hannah Arendt Humanities Network
Call for Participants: 2022 Yehuda Elkana Workshop with Uday Mehta
OSUN's Hannah Arendt Humanities Network invites network faculty, grad students, and undergraduate students to come together in Vienna, June 13-15, 2022 for an opportunity to read and discuss Yehuda Elkana Fellow Uday Mehta’s manuscript "Different Vision: Gandhi’s Critique of Political Rationality." All travel, food, and accommodations are courtesy of the Hannah Arendt Humanities Network.Mehta’s forthcoming book examines the political thinking of Mahatma Gandhi, unearthing a non-liberal politics that rejects both imperialism and nationalism. If liberalism seeks freedom by elevating a state to discipline obedient citizens, Gandhi's political theory explicitly links politics to spiritualism and self-realization. Thus Gandhi is opposed to the power of the state as a mediating institution. He thinks in civilizational terms based in family and religion. And he values individual courage because it allows freedom and maturity. Mehta finds in Gandhi a political theory fundamentally at odds with the liberal-nation-state project.
Different Vision: Gandhi’s Critique of Political Rationality will be the topic of the 2022 Yehuda Elkana Fellowship text seminar. Professor Mehta and a number of world authorities on Gandhi and political thinking will be on hand to lead the discussion.
The workshop will be an opportunity for OSUN students to interact intensively with each other and with a major scholar in the humanities.
Accommodations, meals, and travel are covered for the five scholars and ten students.
Deadline to Apply is Friday, April 15
Cross Reference: Workshop,Opportunities,Hannah Arendt Humanities Network
Deadline Expired on April 15, 2022