Hannah Arendt Humanities Network
Call for Proposals on "Arendt and/on Race"
The Hannah Arendt Humanities Network at Bard College invites proposals for papers to be considered for a new edited volume exploring 20th century German philosopher Hannah Arendt's engagement with race and racial thinking.HAHN's 2023 Text Seminar brought together scholars from around the world for an exploration of Arendt's writings on race and race thinking from the late 1930s to the 1960s, providing a comprehensive overview of her evolving perspectives on this critical issue. Participants explored the complexities of Arendt's ideas, considered the historical context of her work, and engaged in critical reflection on the contemporary relevance of her insights.
HAHN invites OSUN scholars, including those who participated in the 2023 seminar, to contribute their research and perspectives to this call for paper proposals.
The edited volume, scheduled for publication in 2025 with De Gruyter Press, will offer a valuable platform for OSUN scholars to:
-Share their insights on Arendt's complex and multifaceted engagement with race and racial thinking.
-Contribute to the current scholarly conversation on Arendt's legacy as a thinker of "race"/racism.
-Engage their work in dialogue with other scholars and diverse perspectives.
-Be part of a significant publication in the field of Arendtian studies.
Deadline to submit is Thursday, February 1
Cross Reference: Call for Proposals,Opportunities,Hannah Arendt Humanities Network
Deadline Expired on February 1, 2024