Call for OSUN Course Proposals for Spring 2022
Faculty and practitioners from OSUN member institutions are invited to propose online courses for Spring 2022. Courses that build upon or complement current OSUN projects are of particular interest. All courses should relate to an OSUN theme and be accessible to students from across the network. Faculty are advised to discuss their interest in offering an OSUN course with their dean and department head prior to submitting the form.Access the course proposal form here.
See a list of questions asked on the OSUN course proposal submission form.
View an information session and PowerPoint presentation on OSUN course proposals.
Dean of International Studies Jen Murray and Bard Abroad Associate Director Leiah Heckathorn are offering drop-in office hours to answer questions related to OSUN courses. Students, faculty, registrars, and others are welcome to drop by to discuss any administrative or logistic concerns. Please direct questions to Jennifer Murray at [email protected].
Drop-In Hours:
Wednesdays 8 - 9 a.m. New York
Join via Zoom
Enrollments for Fall 2021 OSUN courses remain open.
The deadline for course proposals is September 22, 2021.
Cross Reference: Proposal,Opportunities,OSUN
Deadline Expired on September 22, 2021