Experimental Humanities
“After/Lives:” Pelion Summer Lab 2022
OSUN's Experimental Humanities Collaborative Network (EHCN) seeks participants for the 4th Pelion Summer Lab for Cultural Theory and Experimental Humanities (PSL) on June 29-July 9. Pelion is an initiative of the Laboratory of Social Anthropology of the University of Thessaly in Volos, Greece, supported by EHCN in conjunction with a Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research Workshop.The aim of this 10-day program is to convene an interdisciplinary group of graduate students, researchers, academics, artists and cultural producers from fields such as anthropology, history, sociology, interdisciplinary arts, philosophy, literature, gender studies, cultural and new media studies for a period of intensive exchange and exploration regarding the pressing problems and questions of our worlds.
This year’s theme, "After/Lives," will address the pandemic-heightened sense of living-on in a haunted world and on a damaged planet. The summer lab will be organized in three clusters: Spectrality, Ruination and Survivance. The activities of the lab will culminate in a final public experiment: a shrine designed by the cohort.
Pelion's remarkable faculty this year includes Elizabeth Chin, Gaston Gordillo, Susan Lepselter, Pamila Gupta, Alice Von Bieberstein, Özge Serin, Olga Cielemęcka, Gene Ray, Krista Caballero, Dominique Townsend, Gwyn Isaac, Penelope Papailias & George Mantzios.
The conference center of the village of Makrinitsa, in Pelion, Greece, is located in the historic building of the former primary school.
MA students, doctoral candidates, recent PhDs, independent researchers, artists, early career scholars and, in special cases, advanced undergraduate students are all eligible to apply.
Tuition is free but there is a 150E administrative fee that can be covered by a needs-based scholarship available to OSUN members. Participants are responsible for expenses related to travel to Makrinitsa, and food and lodging.
The following OSUN/EHCN partners can apply for student research and professional opportunities microgrants ($3000) to cover related costs.
Access application forms via the embedded links:
American University of Central Asia
Arizona State University
Bard College Annandale
Bard College Berlin
Birkbeck College at the University of London
Central European University
European Humanities University
Questions? Write to [email protected].
Full details on Pelion available here
The deadline to apply is April 15th
Cross Reference: Application, Workshop,Opportunities,Experimental Humanities
Deadline Expired on April 15, 2022