Akida Pulat holding an image of her mother, threatened Uyghur scholar Rahile Dawut. Photo courtesy of Akida Pulat.
Threatened Scholars Integration Initiative Call for Nominations
Deadline Expired on April 16, 2022
OSUN's Threatened Scholars Integration Initiative (TSI) is currently accepting nominations from OSUN partners for Residential and Non-Residential fellowships until April 16, 2022. TSI offers Fellowships in OSUN institutions for scholars who have lost their academic positions or cannot remain in their home countries due to threats or actions from authoritarian regimes, persecution for their views or identities, or other risks. Fellowship activities can include teaching, research, writing and other creative activities, and participating in the scholarly and cultural life of host institutions and the broader OSUN community.
The category of Threatened Scholar includes: career academics, graduate students, and independent scholars, as well as writers, intellectuals, and artists whose work relates to teaching, learning, research, and the public mission of higher education, and whose lives or livelihoods are currently at risk.
TSI has a strong preference for applicants who are nominated by potential hosts. Applicants should explore their connections, direct and indirect, with colleagues across the full range of OSUN institutions, and seek out one or more to discuss the possibility of a placement there. Once a host institution has agreed to nominate a scholar, they complete and submit the nomination form for Residential or Non-Residential Fellows.
The deadline for submitting nominations is April 16
In response to the current situation in Ukraine, OSUN is developing a number of urgent measures to support Ukrainian scholars, students, and other members of the higher education community. We encourage Ukrainian colleagues and students, as well as partners outside of Ukraine who wish to join this support effort or receive more information, to contact us at [email protected].
Cross Reference: Fellowship,Opportunities,Threatened Scholars Initiative