Class at American University of Central Asia
OSUN Network Collaborative Course Proposals for 2022-23
Deadline Expired on October 25, 2021
The OSUN Portal for new Network Collaborative Courses proposals is now open and the deadline for submission is October 25. Network collaborative courses are co-designed by faculty from multiple OSUN institutions and offered simultaneously at several campuses. Shared readings, assignments, and synchronous classes bring students across different campuses into the same discussions.All lead faculty and co-faculty involved with the planning of proposed network collaborative courses must be registered in the OSUN Portal by the time of the actual proposal submission. We recommend that you register in the portal well in advance of the proposal deadline to address any technical issues/questions that may arise.
- Register in the OSUN Portal by clicking HERE.
- Click on the Not registered? link below the Log in button to create your account. Please use your institutional email.
- Once logged in for the first time you will see the Register with OSUN form.
- Fill in the fields and click the next button at the bottom of the form to complete your registration.
- If you are not sure you are registered or if you have any technical questions, please email [email protected].
As you prepare your proposal, please consult the network course checklist and the section on Network Collaborative Courses of the OSUN Connected and Blended Learning Toolkit.
The introduction of a new network course requires the approval of the relevant Dean or other academic officer at each participating OSUN institution and should follow the institution’s process for new course approvals. As you prepare this proposal, your faculty team should consult the Deans or other relevant academic officers at each partner institutions that will be offering the course. In most circumstances, the network course should be a part of faculty members’ regular teaching loads.
The review of proposals for new network courses is competitive. OSUN supports only those proposed network courses that best meet OSUN’s priorities. Endorsement of the course by OSUN does not imply or replace the approval of the course by each participating institution.
The following points of information should be gathered for the proposal form:
- Course title (maximum 80 characters including spaces):
- Partner Institution(s):
- Partner faculty (please confirm that faculty have consulted with their dean or department chair and, wherever possible, will teach the network course as part of their regular teaching load):
- Course description (max. 3,500 characters with spaces):
- Semester proposed for course delivery:
- Number of credits: Credit units (specify US or ECTS):
- What students (level and fields of study) are expected to enroll in this course? (max. 2,000 characters)
- What are the proposed learning objectives? (max. 2,000 characters)
- What are the pedagogical, curricular, and/or other benefits of teaching the course in a networked format? (max. 2,000 characters)
- Is the course intended to be part of an OSUN certificate? If so, please specify. (max. 2,000 characters)
- What inter-campus interaction do you (tentatively) plan for students in the course? (max. 2,000 characters)
- What is the timeline for the main milestones in developing the course (for planning meetings, completion of the syllabus, announcement of the course, etc.)? (max. 2,000 characters)
Proposals Due October 25
Cross Reference: Proposal,Opportunities,Online Learning