Professional Development Program for University Administrators
Institutional Values and University Practices: Ethical Dilemmas in Higher Education
Deadline Expired on April 24, 2023
OSUN's Professional Development Program for University Administrators, based at Central European University, is accepting applications for "Institutional Values and University Practices: Ethical Dilemmas in Higher Education," a course exploring the concept of ethics from the perspective of higher education professionals. It provides a theoretical framework for defining ethical dilemmas and examines ethical issues in relation to organizational, academic, and cultural practices in universities.The course is instructed by Monica Jitareanu (CEU) and runs from 3 May - 30 May 2023.
Ethical codes govern the actions of individuals, groups, organizations, and professions. Higher education institutions are expected to abide by the highest ethical standards; university administrators are expected to show commitment to sound ethical principles and practices. However, it is not always clear what the ethical behavior should be, as there are no ready-made rules and prescriptions for ethical behavior.
Behaving ethically goes beyond strictly following institutional policies. What is the ethical choice to make in any given situation? There are situations in which personal ethical considerations and institutional rules do not align, and sometimes what is considered ethical by one individual may not be regarded so by another.
This course will focus on:
1. Leadership
2. Organizational functions, such as recruitment, admissions, financial aid, fundraising
3. Academic misconduct
4. Gender equality
5. Cultural competencies
This course targets staff and faculty with managerial and leadership responsibilities at OSUN institutions. The successful completion of the course will grant participants 1 US credit (2 ECTS)—upon request—as part of the OSUN Professional Development Program for University Administrators.
Questions? Email [email protected].
Deadline to apply is Monday, April 24
Cross Reference: Course,Opportunities,Professional Development Program for University Administrators