Call for Applications: Yehuda Elkana Fellowship Workshop with Achille Mbembe in Belgrade
Deadline Expired on March 1, 2024
OSUN's Hannah Arendt Humanities Network (HAHN), in partnership with the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory at the University of Belgrade, has announced that the recipient of the Third Annual Yehuda Elkana Fellowship is acclaimed Cameroonian historian and political theorist Achille Mbembe. The Fellowship is given in honor of Yehuda Elkana, the President and Rector of Central European University from 1999-2009 and determined by a selection committee composed of past prizewinners, OSUN faculty, and students of Yehuda Elkana. As part of the fellowship, Achille Mbembe will be in residence for two weeks at the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory at the University of Belgrade–where he will give public lectures–and at the Center for Advanced Studies, University of Rijeka. Mbembe will participate in a manuscript workshop from June 5th-8th with selected experts in the field, and faculty and students from OSUN institutions. This workshop will be an opportunity for OSUN scholars to interact intensively with each other and with a major scholar in the humanities. The provisional title/topic of his manuscript to be presented and discussed is "Democracy in the Age of Animism."
HAHN invites network faculty and graduate students to apply for the opportunity to participate in the workshop where they will read and discuss Yehuda Elkana Fellow Achille Mbembe’s manuscript in Belgrade, June 5-8, 2024. Eight applicants will be selected, based on their interests and motivations. All travel, meals, and accommodations for the workshop will be provided by the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory courtesy of OSUN’s Hannah Arendt Humanities Network.
Deadline to apply is Friday, March 1
Cross Reference: Application, Workshop,Opportunities,Hannah Arendt Humanities Network