Global Scholars Academy
Call for Applications: Global Scholars Academy
Deadline Expired on May 20, 2022
The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva and the Institute for Global Law and Policy at Harvard Law School announce the second annual Global Scholars Academy made possible with generous support from OSUN and hosted by CEU in Budapest. The 2022 Global Scholars Academy, on July 18 – 22, is an intensive combination of online and residential experience designed to enable junior faculty and post-doctoral scholars to engage in sustained, interdisciplinary, peer-to-peer collaboration under the close mentorship of research faculty drawn from the world’s top universities.
The Academy is open by application to scholars working to understand and map the levers of political, economic, cultural and legal authority in the world today. We particularly welcome applications from scholars from the Global South and those working on policy challenges of concern to communities in the Global South.
The Global Scholars Academy aims to engage a growing community of scholars developing new thinking about the world’s most pressing policy challenges. Throughout the Academy, participants will workshop their ongoing research, review current scholarship developments, reconsider canonical texts, and network with colleagues from across the world.
The 2022 Academy will offer a unique interdisciplinary curriculum designed for junior scholars with scholarly projects which focus on issues of significance for scholars and policymakers in the Global South. The Academy will include thematic mini-courses, plenary lectures, and writing workshops. The program is designed to strengthen academic and professional skills in presenting research, developing curricular materials and participating in global scholarly dialog. Writing workshops will offer participants the opportunity to receive detailed, valuable feedback on their research from their peers and senior colleagues in small group settings.
Preference will be given to scholars who are up to 5 years post-PhD and currently hold postdoctoral posts or faculty positions. Exceptional doctoral candidates in the final phase of their dissertation are also encouraged to apply. All accepted participants will be expected to submit an 8,000-word piece of academic writing in advance of the Academy to be discussed with colleagues in our intensive Writing Workshops.
Cross Reference: Application,Opportunities,Global Scholars Academy