Global Commons Fall ‘22 Issue Features a Wide Range of Submissions from A Diverse Set of Partners
"Digital art series" by Ananna Khan at BRAC University is featured in the new issue of Global Commons.
“It was rewarding to witness the passion and commitment of the editorial team as we worked hard to carefully select pieces with an eye to the uniqueness of authors as well as the diversity and creativity they bring to their writing, says Managing Editor Hephzibah U. Emereole, a recent graduate of Ashesi University in Ghana. “I feel very fulfilled and excited for the growth in the latest Global Commons issue!”
Global Commons uplifts student voices on important themes that unite OSUN, especially those related to Sustainability and Climate, Inequalities, Human Rights, Global Justice, Global Public Health, Arts and Society, Democratic Practice, and the Liberal Arts and Sciences. By promoting a free and open exchange of student work in these core thematic areas, the editorial team hopes to encourage new ways of thinking and problem-solving in an increasingly globalized society.
Jessica Halsey from Tuskegee University in the US says the publication of her article, "Becoming the Beloved: Bridging the Communities" is an opportunity to help spotlight the historical importance of her institution. "It is extremely important that Historical Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) continue to have a voice in the journalistic sphere," she says. "My article aims to highlight the significance and necessity of connecting communities, and the diversity of the Global Commons illuminates why bringing communities together is beautiful and meaningful."
Anton Periderii from American University of Bulgaria says that his article, "Why Green Energy Might Not Be the Best Option," presents an uncommon perspective that Global Commons readers will benefit from. "I believe that this work will be important for Global Commons, as it will highlight a less popular opinion and will contribute to the diversity of the opinions presented here," he says.
Mina Dahl of Bard College (Annandale), says that publication of her series of poems, "Stories of their Countryside," allowed her to communicate through the arts personal experiences that might resonate for many. “Every poem I write is an echo of my identity and the consequent struggles I have faced. The Global Commons has allowed those poems to be heard beyond borders by new audiences, so that more people may feel united through cosmopolitan art and its experience."

BRAC University student Sarder Mostakim Hasan's painting "In the Peaceful Place" depicts a fetus at rest in its mother's womb. "The universe is like our mother, and the earth is the red womb. It can be a peaceful place, or else we can make it peaceful together," he says.
Emereole says for the Fall 2022 issue her team received 110 submissions from 18 OSUN partner colleges and universities, accepting 60 pieces from 50 unique authors across the OSUN themes listed above. The majority of submissions were in the area of Arts and Society, with 23 unique pieces. Other OSUN themes, including Inequalities, Sustainability and Climate, and Global Justice all had increased submissions since the Spring 2022 issue, which featured 46 pieces with a majority focused on human rights.
OSUN member institutions whose students contributed for the first time include American University of Afghanistan, American University of Beirut, American University of Bulgaria, American University of Central Asia, Arizona State University, National Sun Yat-Sen University, OSUN Hubs for Connected Learning (in Eastern Africa and Bangladesh), Parami University, Tuskegee University, and Universidad de los Andes.
Published twice a year, Global Commons encourages students to create works in any genre or language while they also develop as leaders and global citizens. The Global Commons editorial team of five is also assisted by an editorial board that provides oversight and is open to faculty and staff from across the network.
Students interested in submitting their work or joining the editorial team, and faculty/staff interested in joining the advisory board, are encouraged to write to [email protected].
OSUN congratulates the Global Commons editorial team for another outstanding issue and applauds all of the students who chose to share their work with a wide international audience. Keep on writing and creating!
Post Date: 11-15-2022