"Pathways and Pipelines": OSUN's Rebecca Granato Talks with CFR About Supporting Systematized Enrollment of Refugee Students
Rebecca Granato (second from right) poses with students and staff at the Hubs Refugee Higher Education Access Program (RhEAP) launch earlier this year. Photo by Moris Albert
“Between interrupted education and poor-quality opportunities in host countries, even the brightest youth often lack the necessary skills,” she says. "Structures like those offered through the Open Society University Network are necessary to support these students, not only in moments of crisis, but throughout their educational journeys."
“We really need to create pathways and pipelines between different higher education institutions and programs,” Granato says. “We need to include connected opportunities, scholarships in countries of first asylum, and also third-country opportunities so that students can move between degree possibilities, like any of us would, who want to get a higher education.”
Watch the full CFR discussion on YouTube.
Post Date: 11-22-2022