OSUN Theme: Liberal Arts and Sciences
Statistics in Action: From Clinical Trial to Social Action
Term: February 1, 2024 – May 16, 2024Level: 200-Level
Day/Time: Thursday, 9:00 AM - 11:20 AM EST
Instructor: Gabriel Perron, Bard College
Statistics play a pivotal role in illuminating complex issues, from public health crises to the data mining of social media. Through real-life case studies, students will delve into how these mathematical tools uncover the root causes of significant events, even when masked by societal constructs. The primary aim of this course is to impart a broad statistical literacy relevant to fields ranging from the life sciences, data science,
economics, and social sciences. By adopting a problem-solving approach, students will become adept at employing advanced statistical modeling, such as analysis of variance and multiple regression, to apply hypothesis testing to diverse real-world situations. A significant component of this instruction includes using the R-programming environment, allowing students to compute and visually represent their analysis
outcomes using open-access software. Furthermore, students will engage in critical discussions about the controversies that have molded contemporary statistics, understanding its power and limitations, especially in big data and social justice. Prior knowledge of statistics or programming is not necessary.
Credits: 4 US / 8 ECTS