OSUN Themes: Arts and Society; Global Justice; Human Rights; Inequalities; Liberal Arts and Sciences
Not Home At Home
Term: January 29, 2025 – May 14, 2025Level: 300-Level
Day/Time: Wednesday 8:00 AM - 10:20 AM EDT
Instructor: Zahid Rafiq, Bard College
When we leave the places we call home we long for them but what do we long for when we are home and yet no longer at home? We shall explore through literature the estrangement between people and the worlds they ‘belong' to, caused at times by politics, or by the dawning of certain facts, or sometimes by people not conforming to the ‘values’ of home. We shall also interrogate the ideas of home, world and self, engaging with home as body, as place, as a person/people, and as hope and illusion.
Credits: 4 US / 8 ECTS