OSUN Theme: Liberal Arts and Sciences
Introduction to Research Techniques - Enrollment at capacity/applications CLOSED.
Term: June 14, 2024 – August 30, 2024Level: 200-Level
Day/Time: Friday 10 AM - 11 AM EDT
Instructor: Xavier Prudent, Bard College
Students will learn how to use some of the most basic and widespread statistics methods in research. Students will learn how to understand and apply them, from hand computation to computer computation using SPSS and Microsoft Excel. The course will cover fundamental concepts of statistics while highlighting the difference between statistics and probability: random variables, probability density functions, the Gaussian function and the central-limit theorem, population vs. sample, hypothesis sample: power and error, and introduction to statistics with Excel and SPSS. The lectures will be highly project-oriented, focusing on the understanding and the correct use of these various methods rather than the algebra of their mathematical fundamentals. Required: Bachelor-level mathematics, Intermediate-level English, computer with Microsoft Windows.
Credits: 2 US / 4 ECTS