Undocupoets: A Reading and Conversation with Jan-Henry Gray and Javier Zamora
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm EST/GMT-5 Online Event
Join via Zoom: https://bard.zoom.us/j/82391413860?pwd=WmN4aTJrMzFaTEREYUc5WUtYYys4Zz09 Passcode: 193398
Jan-Henry Gray is the author of Documents, selected by D. A. Powell as the winner of BOA Editions’ A. Poulin Jr. Poetry Prize and finalist for the 2019 Thom Gunn Award. His chapbook, Selected Emails, was published by speCt! and his poems are published in Nepantla: An Anthology for Queer Poets of Color, The Rumpus, Hyphen, and The Margins. Born in the Philippines and raised in California, where he worked as a chef, Jan lived undocumented in the United States for more than 32 years. He is Cooke Graduate Arts Scholar and has received fellowships through Kundiman and Undocupoets. He is currently a visiting assistant professor at Adelphi University and lives in Brooklyn.
Javier Zamora was born in El Salvador and migrated to the United States when he was nine. He was a 2018–19 Radcliffe Institute Fellow at Harvard and has been granted fellowships from CantoMundo, Colgate University, the Lannan Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, the Poetry Foundation, and Stanford University. Unaccompanied is his first collection. He lives in Harlem, where he’s working on a memoir.
845-758-7383Email: [email protected]Website: https://bard.zoom.us/j/82391413860?pwd=WmN4aTJrMzFaTEREYUc5WUtYYys4Zz09