Juan Ricardo Aparicio Cuervo
Universidad de los AndesJuan Ricardo Aparicio Cuervo is an associate Professor of the Department of Languages and Culture at the Universidad de los Andes where he currently teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses on critical theory in Social Sciences, on the Cultural Studies' theoretical genealogies and on those traditions of Latin-American Critical thought. Articulated to these theoretical trajectories is his research interest on the humanitarian government, development, social movements, the State, and the post-conflict scenarios. His ethnographic research has been set in locations where both the experiences of traumas, forces displacement, and massacres together with complex humanitarian interventions converge with the new borders of capital accumulation and reterritorialization processes through the arrival of extractivist industries such as mining and agro-busineness in regions such as Mapiripán, Montes de María, Sumapaz and Urabá. His work puts in tensions the theoretical debates with the etnographic interrogation on the everyday life, the problem of subjectivity, affects, and the question of the commons. Juan Ricardo Aparicio Cuervo is a member of the editorial council of the journal Cultural Studies and was also a member of Spanish-speaking Latin America at the Board of the Association of Cultural Studies. He received research grants both from the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological research and the Ford Foundation Pre-dissertation Fieldworkd Award. His most recent publications are the coedited issue for the journal Cultural Studies dedicated to the life and trajectories of Jesús Martín Barbero together with Alejandro Ponce de León and Alejandro Martín with whom we also wrote the intro (2023) and the academic edition together with Manuela Fernandez-Pinto of the volume (2022) "Neoliberalismo en Colombia: contextos, complejidad y política pública" where he coauthored the "Introducción" and contributed with the chapter "Relaciones sociales, infraestructuras y el manejo del riesgo en los sistemas de protección social en Colombia: hacia una etnografía de la política pública" (2022).
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